Tomasz S.
I photograph for my own pleasure, I love the portrait, the landscapes, the night atmosphere together with the dance of the northern lights. I am coming from Walbrzych in the province. Dolnoślaski / Poland, there I was born and raised. Currently I am in Norway, my daughter Paulina has remained and studies in Poland. I remember today my adventure with my first reflex camera, today I immortalize my work on Canon 6D / ff / wide angle and zoom also in the set, for the portrait I am also prepared, filters Lee, Nisi and other accessories. My dream is to leave a good one trail ... I enjoy the joy of others when I can transfer it to the camera matrix. The results of such works - if they become works where the customer is satisfied ... makes me want to give more to myself for others. These moments I want to share in this place.
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Bosted: Trondheim
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