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Fin innramming av ansiktet, flott og intenst blikk, balansert bruk av hudsofting og fin linjeføring.
Med andre ord så syns jeg du skal være fornøyd med dette her. Flott modell var det også.
Fred S.
Du har blikk for blikk !
Erlend B.
Flott innramming om et intens blikk. Fint bilde :-)
Thomas A.
Flott soft belysning. Bra bruk av jakke til å lage en naturlig ramme rundt henne. Mege bra komponert bilde. Stylingen er også meget bra! rett og slett ett jævlig kult bilde!
S A.
Åh, dette var kult!
Herlig blikk, Knalltøft!
Nina I.
Morsomt å høre at dere likte det :)
Toini B.
Fint men du har vært unøyaktig med blurringen. Jeg ser det godt på panna f.eks.
Liker veldig godt innrammingen.
Avsluttet .
Flott blikk og innramming!
Daniel M.
Meget bra 'parkasbilde'. Ganske utbredt med slike portretter(parkasjakke som ramme) og når jeg ser bildet ditt, så skjønner jeg hvorfor.
Avsluttet .
Der kanten på kragen driver seg langs skinnene hennes ser alt veldig fudgy ut.. :/ - Men dette må jeg si var et meget pent bilde!
Hans Petter G.
Dette viser at talentet ditt ikke bare er knyttet til en spesiel modell ...
Georg K.
At a chilly, cold day during Feb. I saw a similar image of yours on an other page - so I just went back and refreshed my memories.
When comparing - I think I like this version even more - you might remember - the other one had a tone of blue cold ( really subtle when thinking about the surroundings outside of heated rooms back then ) and was soften very much.
Here is the texture of skin creating attention, is offering some orientation, while the eyes are bounced back from the still perfect frame - and the nose is much better in this one.
Since I do believe that this shot is from the same series like the above mentioned one - it might be possible to see in the reflections of your eyes the famous balcony of your neighbours - secretly watching you while posing like a model ?
Anyway - it is again a strong, effective portrait. Might be that it is too symmetric for some taste - but I like this intensive look - it gives time, isn't giving all in a moment and allows and thorough view into a truly beautiful face.
Working with words like seductive etc. - does get a bit personal, but the combination of cold and warm by used elements of the composition triggers it's own thoughts.
I like it as photography as much as a portrait and effective use of PS.
Avsluttet .
stilig! nydelig blikk og kjempebra innramming. dette liker jeg!
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Med andre ord så syns jeg du skal være fornøyd med dette her. Flott modell var det også.
Herlig blikk, Knalltøft!
Liker veldig godt innrammingen.
When comparing - I think I like this version even more - you might remember - the other one had a tone of blue cold ( really subtle when thinking about the surroundings outside of heated rooms back then ) and was soften very much.
Here is the texture of skin creating attention, is offering some orientation, while the eyes are bounced back from the still perfect frame - and the nose is much better in this one.
Since I do believe that this shot is from the same series like the above mentioned one - it might be possible to see in the reflections of your eyes the famous balcony of your neighbours - secretly watching you while posing like a model ?
Anyway - it is again a strong, effective portrait. Might be that it is too symmetric for some taste - but I like this intensive look - it gives time, isn't giving all in a moment and allows and thorough view into a truly beautiful face.
Working with words like seductive etc. - does get a bit personal, but the combination of cold and warm by used elements of the composition triggers it's own thoughts.
I like it as photography as much as a portrait and effective use of PS.