De' e' e'
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Helge R.

Artig å leke med mulighetene, forsett med det. Her har du overdrevet effekten og fratatt bildet det opprinnelige uttrykket. Armen blir også feilplassert inn mellom tretoppene.
Judit W.

Hei Odd!

Very creative, unique and artistic photo! Just like you are? ;) The setting is perfect and I like the working out very much! The trees around and over you are amazing! This photo is the third excellent self-portrait what you have posted here. I do not understand the title again – does it mean anything? I am sure, it does. I am waiting for your translation :) Thanks!

Judit :)
Odd Karsten H.

A friend of mine once said when he (poor man) was interviewed by the BBC: “I have used all the words I can now, so please stop asking all difficult questions!”
The title is in our local dialect: “It is me” it says.
Helge is honest with me and say I am overdoing the effects – Yes Helge, that is what I am doing, and that is why I am, or at least my arms are, drifting away in the treetops. But didn't you notice that I was overworked and burned out too? – Yes Judit – it is a true self portrait :-D . . . . . but I still can't understand why you didn't appreciate the one with an ant on my nose.


Judit W.

Hei Nyíl :)

Thanks for your translation and I am really sorry for not understanding your local dialect – yet! ;))) My dictionary (bokmål???, nynorsk???) says 'de' is 'you' (singular, plural) – and it confuses me somehow ... But I understand your hidden allusion – I stop asking stupid questions ;) (To myself; why is it necessary to know everything?)

The ant on your nose was OK. What I didn't like, that was your face on an ant's head. You know the Franz Kafka's short story 'Metamorphosis' – the main character (a clerk in a bank) became a bug (a cockroach, in my mind, by the description) in his bed in a morning and he lived that way until the end of his life. I know that was a symbol but still ... the story was very depressing. Although I read this work around 35 years ago, I still think again of it with bad feelings. That's the cause ...

And now back to my work ... ;(

Judit :)
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